Thursday, June 12, 2008

How to Attract a Woman

Things You’ll Need:
Men's Dress Shirts
Men's Dress Shoes
Mens' Dress Pants
Step1Take pride in your appearance. Realize you only have one chance to make a good first impression.
Step2Appeal to all her senses through your sensuous voice, fragrance, clothing and appearance.
Step3Give her a reason to think about you. Wear a masculine fragrance that haunts her memory, tasteful clothes that she yearns to touch, a smile that she can't get out of her mind.
Step4Flirt with her by sending silent signals of your interest through subtle body language.
Step5Treat her like she's the center of your world. Focus your full attention on her and block out distractions.
Step6Listen intently to what she has to say, and respond with respect for her opinions.
Step7Ask about her interests, her work and her hobbies. Pay attention to the details.
Step8Be honest and sincere. Keep your promises. Call if you say you're going to call. Show up at the time you say you're going to arrive. Don't make idle promises that you have no intention of keeping.
Step9Let her know you're different from other men. Emphasize your originality through your personality, intelligence and behavior. Don't pretend you're anyone other than yourself.
Step10Refrain from boasting, particularly about your past triumphs with other women.
Step11Leave a little something to the imagination. Don't bare all or tell all immediately. An air of mystery can be provocative and appealing to a woman.